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Við tókum hér af heimasíðu Nitro Consult upplýsingar.

Vibration Measuring
Vibration measuring is, for many reasons, an important requirement in blasting and various other types of construction and civil-engineering works. It shows whether the permissible vibration levels have been exceeded or are about to be exceeded. If damage has occurred, good vibration measuring practice makes it easy to determine quickly whether or not the blaster is responsible. It also gives information that can be used not only to avoid immediate adverse effects but also to determine what measures are needed to eliminate or, at least, reduce the vibrations.
Measuring for more efficient advance
Vibration measurements give direct guidance in blasting and other types of groundworks, so that the result can be optimized from a technical and economic point of view. With the aid of advanced measuring instruments and computer support, we can choose the most suitable method to minimize the risk of vibration damage and at the same time keep the rate of advance as high as possible. After a tunnel round has been blasted it can take hours for the fumes to be evacuated and for mucking to be carried out, before a new round can be drilled and charged. It is therefore efficient to charge the holes as much as possible within the framework of the limit values for vibrations. With the aid of IT support, this is easy: the blaster can tip-toe past sensitive buildings and then charge up the holes fully as soon as the vibration limits become more generous.
Measured results within one minute
The measured values are transmitted directly after blasting to telephones and computers via SMS and the Internet. In this way, we obtain without delay clarity about the rocks ability to transmit vibrations into sensitive surroundings.
Other sources of vibration
Traffic, piling, sheet driving, hauling, compacting and vibratory rolling are other examples of activities that generate vibrations. When one wishes to assess how such vibrations affect people, buildings and different installations, information is essential. Computerized measuring technology is a cost-effective aid to taking and processing such measurements quickly and in accordance with established measuring standards.

NCVIB is a Web-based system designed to make the results of vibration measurements more useable. The system registers vibrations and airborne shock-waves and presents the measured results together with other interesting parameters such as temperature, noise, stresses and groundwater levels.
NCVIB collects crude data from the measuring equipment, refines it into directly useable information and presents it on the Web. This eliminates completely the journeys, work, time and costs associated with the reading off of instruments, the transferring of measured data to a computer, the finding of suitable application programs, paper handling, data distribution and archiving.
With NCVIB the blaster receives up-to-the-minute information about the vibrations from the latest round blasted and can therefore quickly adjust the drilling and charging parameters for the next blast. NCVIB also warns of the risks of exceeding the specified vibration limits, which is a very useful feature in sensitive environments.
The project manager can follow both the blasts and the rate of advance from his or her office, and use the NCVIB information directly in his or her work. Moreover, he or she can monitor coordinated blasting in several tunnels, since NCVIB can handle measurements from many different places at short intervals. This is particularly valuable when contractors only have permission to blast during a short period each day.
The contractor in charge can see continuously the effects of the blasts and how they are behaving with regard to the permitted limit values. Should something improper happen or be about to happen, NCVIB sends an associated warning. Moreover, the risk of being sued for unwarranted damages is reduced, since the contractor can document all measurement results from all blasts in an incontrovertible way.
NCVIB can also provide public and third-party interests with adapted and timely information about vibrations and airborne shock-waves from the construction work. This reduces the cost of answering questions and distributing information on paper.